Agabi Life (Fresh Pressed Juice)

Agabi Life Brand Fresh Pressed Juice

The Agabi Life brand mission is to provide juices that exceed nutritional needs while maintaining an affordable value to customers. Agabi Life juices are freshly-pressed by the staff with every step of the process cared for and monitored to ensure integrity with every bottle. Each of the four brands offer key vitamins and minerals from the freshest hand picked fruits to provide supplemental value. The juices provide a natural source of antioxidants, nutrients, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy lifestyle.

With four amazing juices (Glow, Sunrise, Ruby, and Celery), the Agabi Life brand of juices are the perfect additive to a well balanced lifestyle. What separates the Agabi Life brand from competitors is all in the process and organic nature the juices are extracted from the fruits. Unlike the cold-pressed method, Agabi Life is a hands on operation that requires Priscilla manually pressing the fruit to extract the maximum amount of liquid. No additional heat, artificial assimilation, or hydraulics are used in the process. Priscilla feels the natural method preserves the natural flavors, leaving the nutrients and vitamins needed that would be otherwise compromised using traditional pasteurization.

Agabi Life’s signature juice is by far the ever popular “Glow” brand that accounts for 70% of overall sales. Glow's five main ingredients include ginger, apple, lemon, spinach, and parsley which makes for an invigorating juice fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and nutrients to vitalize. Besides the delicious taste, some of the key benefits from Glow are the key fruit combinations that make it the drink of choice. Known as the “Energy Kick”, Glow features ginger - the anti-inflammatory, celery - the liver cure, spinach - relaxation, and parsley - the vitamin C and bone health supplement! What a combination that not only tastes great, but will add the extra spiff needed to navigate through the traffic of life.

Next we have the Celery brand from Agabi Life! The Celery juice is full of beneficial surprises that's sure to tantalize the taste buds. The Celery brand is 100% fresh-pressed with a blend of natural juices and condensed into a smooth savory flavor to give you the same taste as eating a fresh stalk. Many customers that suffer from diabetes find this juice as the go-to for regulating their conditions.

The Ruby Brand of Agabi Life is the crown jewel of the line with its rich color and invigorating flavor. Made from beets, pears, lemon, and ginger, the Ruby brand offers a unique blend of ingredients to offer health while energizing motor functions. Beets promote brain health, heart, and the digestive system. In addition to a well balanced diet, beet juice helps alleviate inflammation, and slows the growth of cancer cells. The addition of pears increases the body’s ability to heal and cure itself from the normal wears and tears of life. Overall, the Ruby brand is a fan favorite, and beautiful addition to the healthy lifestyle.

Last, but not least is the Sunrise brand. The Sunrise brand ingredients include carrot, pineapple, celery, ginger, and apple. With the lineup of star fruit additions, it’s no wonder that Sunrise is the choice of morning enthusiasts. Sunrise is the first drink to grab on the way to the office, and perhaps the cure for that late night hangover. The vibrant juice is the gateway to vitality with a smooth blend that is sure to jump start your day.

The Agabi Life brand is available by order through the traditional on-site vendors in the greater Seattle area .On a daily basis, orders are called in, and the Agabi Life crew are in the lab hand squeezing the ingredients to retain consistency and satisfaction in every bottle. In addition, Priscilla Perez is finalizing the website to handle mass orders and volume to ensure customer satisfaction around the globe. Agabi Life takes pride in producing their line of fresh-pressed 100% pure organic and premium juices, with no additives, preservative, or artificial flavors of any kind. With a great range of juices - (Glow, Sunrise, Ruby, and Celery), Agabi Life is in talks to bring more variation for seasonal and special occasions soon.

Where to Purchase Agabi Life

On May 15, 2022 - Agabi Life announced a new location in addition to its weekly post at Point Ruston Farmers Market every weekend (Sat/Sun) 11-5.

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On Locations: Love by the Slice Baking & Catering Company

1112 S. 11th Street, Tacoma, Washington 98405